The Journey Begins: Joseph Adu Peprah’s Quest For Greatness

Joseph Adu Peprah
Joseph Adu Peprah

Joseph Adu-Peprah daring attempt to smash the Guinness World Record for longest drumming.

The Journey Begins: Joseph Adu Peprah’s Quest For Greatness


I wondered why someone would take on such a difficult effort when Joseph Adu-Peprah (Junior) announced that he intended to drum for 160 hours. After giving it some thought, I concluded that “abnormality” is necessary to leave an impact on the world. In the comfort zone, champions are not made.

Those who made a difference in the world were regular people who bravely did something we could all be proud of. They have a concept and work toward making it happen.

I’ve learned a few things from Junior’s audacious attempt to beat the Guinness World Record for the longest drumming, which will be held from Thursday, April 25, 2024, until Thursday, May 2, 2024:

  • It Takes Courage
joseph Adu Peprah
joseph Adu Peprah


Living a normal, comfortable life does not defeat Goliath. To go forward and chop off Goliath of Gath’s head requires anointing and guts similar to biblical David’s. Junior showed courage by coming up with the concept and carrying through with it.

People who believe something is impossible always think it is. Those who have a significant influence on the world face their tasks head-on and overcome them to achieve their objectives.

  • It Takes Passion

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Passion is pursuing what you love to do without letting the discomfort of the journey deter you. Junior decided to enter this competition since he loved playing drums. I’ve known Junior to be a talented drummer. He is going to make a mark by doing what he loves.

And you? What do you feel strongly about? What do you intend to do with your passion? Do you underestimate your abilities? Your desires will be buried if nothing is done to wake you up. Your desire needs to be used.

  • It Takes Commitment

The next thing we pick up from the drum-a-ton competitor is the importance of being dedicated to the mission you are passionate about. Junior has discovered what he wants to pursue and dedicated himself to it. Although there are countless drummers in Ghana and around Africa, he has stepped out to do this.

We all need to choose something to dedicate ourselves to. We can’t merely exist without leaving a lasting impression. We must be well-known for something. There must be a significance behind your name when they bring it up. We must have some reputation. When we are committed, our finest selves emerge.

  • It Takes Dedication

Dedication is a key lesson that we should also learn. Adu-Peprah is devoted to the purpose of this marathon in addition to being committed to it. He has committed time, funds, and energy to advancing this cause. He has most likely discovered what the world will know about him.

We cannot say that we are striving for something while remaining uncommitted to its cause. If it’s a business idea, we have to invest funds in the groundwork. We need time to write the book if that’s the case. To apply for a job, we must be intellectually engaged enough to write a CV and cover letter. Without devotion, nothing is possible to do.

  • It Takes Hard Work
joseph Adu Peprah
joseph Adu Peprah


The final lesson we can learn from Joseph is that he is putting a lot of effort into using his talent, enthusiasm, and hobbies to complete the marathon. He has put forth a lot of effort to train. To complete the actual marathon, he will need to put in a lot of labour.

Nothing worthwhile can be accomplished without effort. When I was a university student studying archaeology, we were told that if we are not willing to be ‘dirty’, we could not do the course. For the course involved digging for artifacts for further studies in the lab. Nothing comes cheap. Hard work does not break bones. To achieve the outcomes we want, we must work extremely hard.


We’ve seen that the requirements for winning a Guinness World Record are the same as those for succeeding in all facets of life. To be able to defeat the enormous obstacle that faces us, we need bravery, enthusiasm, determination, and hard effort.

We have faith that Joseph Adu-Peprah will begin on Thursday, April 25, 2024, and finish on Thursday, May 2, 2024. As he puts all the necessary components of success into this quest to set a new Guinness World Record for the longest drumming, we hope and pray for the greatest possible result.